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PS Planning Guide History & Short Bio
On June 13, 2000, Deb Wills published this issue of the WDWIG_Ezine (now called All EARS) featuring an interview with yours truly. Basically this is the story of how the PS Planning Guide came about. Hope you enjoy it and stop by Deb's Unofficial Walt Disney World Information Guide and tell her I sent ya!
This is being reproduced with Deb Wills permission. Thank you, Deb!
- Scottwdw, Sorcerer of the PS Calculator
Walt Disney World News and Information
Issue #33 June 13, 2000
Welcome to the WDWIG_EZine, an electronic newsletter about Walt
Disney World and Deb's Unofficial Walt Disney World Information
Guide (WDWIG).
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Priority Seating Planning Guide
An innovative website debuted earlier this year which
has already had tremendous response. I'm talking about
the Priority Seating Planning Guide developed by Scott
Thomas from NY State!
Scott is a long time Disney fan who grew up with
Disney on TV. However, it wasn't until his first visit
to Disneyland in 1981, with his then future wife, that
the life long affair with the Disney parks took off!
Since then, Scott and his wife honeymooned at WDW and
have been returning ever since. I asked Scott what his
favorite thing at WDW is and he explained how much he
enjoys the overall atmosphere that brings the "magic"
alive... I also found out he is a thrill ride kinda guy!
The Priority Seating (PS) Planning Guide has 3 components to it:
Priority Seating FAQ - everything you need to know
about reserving a table at a WDW restaurant, including
tips and suggestions;
The PS Calculator - for fast determination of your PS
Call Dates and summary of PS events and restaurants; and,
The PS Report - create your personal PS Planning Report
for every restaurant and event at WDW.
I recently had the opportunity to talk with Scott to
learn more about the Priority Seating Guide.
What got you started developing the Priority Seating FAQ?
It all started very simply. My family is going to WDW
in November and we arrive on Thanksgiving Day. We picked
the Liberty Town Tavern for our Thanksgiving dinner.
Since it is a major holiday, I needed to know the exact
day I could call to get a Priority Seating. Previously,
I would try to figure it out in my head or count back
on a calendar, never getting the same result twice. I
was sitting at my computer and decided to put it to
work for me. I searched the Internet and did not find
any sites with a tool to help. So, I decided to create
one not only for myself, but for anyone else who might
want an easy way to figure out when to call for Priority
Seatings at any of the WDW restaurants.
How long did it take to develop the PS Calculator?
Surprisingly fast. After some research, I found that
Javascript would do the job. I spent about a week on
web tutorials and then began to create the PS Calculator.
It took another week to get the first version done and
then I announced it on some of the WDW message boards.
The PS Calculator quickly grew from just doing dates
for 30, 60 & 120 day PS times to listing all the date
breakdowns for the resort restaurants, dinner shows,
park restaurants, sport adventures and other special
events -- Anything people could make a PS for.
What has the reaction been from folks who have used it?
I got a lot of help from the Disney web community in
adding and correcting the information. It should be fun
keeping it updated as time goes on. The PS Report was
added soon after as more a challenge to myself but
people really liked the idea of printing out all their
PS events and dates when they can call for them.
From the person just wanting to check on when they can
call for a PS time at a favorite restaurant to the die
hard WDW planners, the response has been tremendous.
Why would someone want to use the PS Calc/Reporter?
WDW uses a Priority Seating system instead of a traditional
reservations system. That confuses people as to how it
works, who to call and when to call for the various
restaurants and activities at the WDW Resort. The PS FAQ
answers all these questions plus provides planning tools
to ensure people can get to eat where they want and do
all the things they want during their WDW vacation.
Are there any special requirements for using
the PS Calculator and PS Report?
To get the best results you should be using a
version 4 or later web browser like Netscape or
Internet Explorer. AOL browsers don't want to work
with Javascript so people should switch to another
browser before running the PS Calculator or PS Report.
Lastly, read the instructions at the top of the PS
Report page before entering any dates in or some
really crazy results pop out.
Scott has given permission to WDWIG to mirror his
Priority Seating FAQ with special links back to his
PS Calculator and PS Reporter!
c2000 All Rights Reserved. Deborah Wills
WDWIG and the WDWIG_EZine is NOT affiliated with The Walt
Disney Company in ANY way. The information contained
herein is UNofficial. For official Disney Information,
contact The Walt Disney Company directly.
No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without
permission in writing from the editor. You may,
however, forward an entire copy of this newsletter to
a friend.
All WDWIG_EZine newsletters are available in the
archive to subscribers.
Advertisements appearing on WDWIG_EZine are paid
advertisements and not meant as an endorsement
by Deb Wills or WDWIG.
Official Disclaimer The Planning Strategy Calculator for Disney Reservations is not affiliated with with the Walt Disney Company.
Copyright© 2019 Scott L. Thomas All Rights Reserved. |